Infertility · Remedies

I could be the newest octuplet mom

At least it seems it that way.

From little to no response last week, my body has taken off this week. I have MANY follicles in both ovaries acting very excited about their current situation. Yikes! It hurts to laugh, stand, sit, or be alive right now. Apparently, my happy ovaries put me at risk for hyperstimulation and ovarian twisting. According to my doctor’s office, this means that I need to limit my liquid intake to less than 800 mL for the next three weeks or so, as well as cut out most physical activity. I can walk. That’s just about it. Also, this type of stimulation causes the body to conserve all liquids and can eventually fill the stomach and chest cavity with so much fluid that women are rushed to the ER, struggling to breathe. It is an unpleasant prospect – one which I am desperately hoping to keep from becoming a reality.

In the meantime, my husband and I were forced to make a difficult decision today. While my IUI will most likely be tomorrow morning, the doctor wanted to make sure that we were okay with “fetal reduction” ahead of time. Now, he may refuse to perform the IUI when he finds out that we are not comfortable with reducing the number of embryos if more than one or two decides to implant. It is heartbreaking to be at this point in the process and realize that we have unforeseen, moral complications.

So, before I attempt to manage my abdominal pain, I am writing. I need to process in words, process with you, process with God. Many of you have had to make decisions such as this one in the past. Decisions that questioned an unshakable principal, or so you thought.

My husband reasoned that he could never tell his family or his future children if we made a decision like that. I reasoned that I could never tell myself. I COULDN’T DO IT.

Now, we wait. We wait on blood work results. We wait on a doctor. But, more than anything, we wait on Christ.

I’ve got some happy follicles that are betting we are going to make a baby this month – doctor’s cooperation or not 🙂 He doesn’t realize that he is talking to a daughter who belongs to and is loved by the Most High God. I’d say my odds are pretty high.


One thought on “I could be the newest octuplet mom

  1. I pray that Gods hand is so evident in this time and His peace is tangibly around you as you honour Him and walk in His ways! I’m 100% with you in that decision… we would totally do the same. Look forward to following your progress xxx

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