Giving Thanks · Prayers · Pregnancy

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

As I drifted off to sleep this weekend, I spoke the words aloud. Spoke into the darkness of the light finding my soul. For most this would be only a minor revelation, but if you know of the worry that I’ve been gripped by then you also know that these words were more than idle mumblings of… Continue reading As I Lay Me Down to Sleep


While the emotions are still raw {Or when God says, “Not now”}

What a wonderful night of sleep…in the midst of my colorful fantasy land two tests came up “pregnant.” One even blinked the word at me in some ethereal code of congratulations. I was surrounded by family and friends to tell and surprise. It was beautiful. ~~~ Sitting on the bathroom floor, however, my miracle lasted… Continue reading While the emotions are still raw {Or when God says, “Not now”}


Bits of this and a lot of that

***Originally posted this evening on my personal blog ~~~ Words compete with thoughts that compete with dreams that compete with memories that compete with prayers. Bits and pieces of the past several weeks float to the surface, fighting to be discussed, analyzed, processed through, evaluated. Yet, despite the cacophony of events and emotions surging forward, I’ve… Continue reading Bits of this and a lot of that

Infertility · Remedies

Thought about retching. Hated to take it that far.

Nauseousness has set in. Not the overwhelming, stop-me-in-my-tracks-and-hurl kind, but the slightly pervasive unsettled feeling that quickly goes south at the slightest provocation. This morning, I poured myself a bowl of cereal, but then couldn’t eat it. I made toast instead. Something about those crispy nuggets in my bowl just looked unappetizing! Then, my husband… Continue reading Thought about retching. Hated to take it that far.